Monday, September 14, 2009


Austin Meets 2 of his Great Grandmothers

Austin has 4 Great Grandmothers, 2 Great Grandfather's and one Great-Great Grandfather.  Yesterday was Austin's Great Grandmother Aggie's 93rd birthday.  He got to meet her and his Great Grandmother Jane for the first time.  He behaved himself while he was there.  

Agnes Nordin

Jane Nemecek

Austin's Birthday

Austin Dee Nemecek born September 8, 2009 at 7:42pm 8lbs 3 oz

I was scheduled to be induced Sept. 8, but I started having contractions at 5:30am on my own.  The hospital called me at 6am and told me to be there by 7am, so I got Kennen up and he had about 3 minutes to get ready.  (He was a little upset about that.)  He had been up late the night before (too excited to sleep) and I didn't want to wake him up before I had to.  Thankfully, we already had the car packed up.  

We got to the hospital and I still had to fill out some paperwork.  I think they had me in the bed by about 8am.  They wanted to wait to give me the epidural until I was 4cm dilated.  Everything's kind of a blur, but I think I got the epi around 10am or so.  Then we just had to wait until I was 10cm dilated so I could start pushing.  After a couple hours I realized I could completely feel my right side.  They ended up having to redo my epidural.  I was supposed to be taking a nap, so I'd be ready to go when it came time to push.  But the epi gave me the shakes and Crazy Pants wasn't making it easy to take a nap.  She was on her phone, and talking, and going in and out of the room.  I kept threatening to kick her out.  

I started pushing around 4:30pm.  Finally, after a really LONG day Austin made his appearance at 7:42pm.  I think he's always going to run late, just like Daddy.  As soon as he was out they cleaned him off and set him on my chest.  I was so relieved that all that was over with and I could finally see my little boy that I had been waiting to hold for the past 41 weeks.  At first I thought he had brown eyes and looked like Oldman.  Now that he's 6 days old I think he looks a lot like Kennen and his eyes are a weird dark blue/purple color.  I think they will turn brown. I've already taken a ton of pictures of him.  I'll post them, don't worry.